reading letter- Bayley

Escape Childern of the Holocaust

Allan Zullo

Alicia Jurman has been through enough pain to last her a lifetime. Three of her brothers had been murdered and her dad was missing and was scared he was dead.  She was carrying water buckets up to her room and opened the door to a policeman that read off her mom’s name. He asked her if she was Frieda Jurman. She nodded because she knew if she said no, he would take her mom. Alicia went to a jail with a bunch of other people. After a couple of weeks of being beat and not feed she fell asleep and went into a coma. They figured she was dead, but when the people that took the dead Jews to graves felt her breathing so they took her home and took care of her. She woke up from the coma. She had a bad disease from the contaminated water they gave the Jews. The people they kept them in the jail sent the sick ones back to the get the other Jews sick. Alicia had to go back to see if her mom and brother was okay. When she got back she saw that they had gotten the bad disease too. She told them she would take care of them till they were well again.  Who were her brothers? What is her dad’s name? How did the policeman get in her room? Why didn’t Alicia say no and runaway with her family? How did she feel after the coma? If I was her, I’d feel scared. Where did they get the contaminated water? Did it taste weird to the Jews? Did the sick Jews that were sent back to the homes know they were sick? How long did it take them to get well again? Was Alicia scared they weren’t going to live through the disease?

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