Reading Letter Quarter Four, #4- Benton

The Lost Hero

By: Rick Rordan

Page 188- 245

In this part of the book, Jonah figures out that his memories were stolen by A goddess. Jonah goes to the cabin of sleep where there is a fire and a whole bunch of stuff like warm milk and a cozy fire. Jonah goes to this guy and he help them plan a way to get his memories back. Soon, Jonah falls asleep from the cozyness.

I like this book because it has to do with mythology. I am not a big mythology fan because its not really interesting and there is to much to remember about the gods and all of that. I recommend this book to kid ages 10 and up or else you will not really get how everything goes. This section of the book was great. It was very exiting and it kept me reading and reading. I recommended everybody to read this book because is related to the Percy Jackson series and it is enjoyable. This book can relate to real life by if your going to a camp in the summer or in the spring when its hot and you do sports and stuff. It can also relate to real life because it’s in the outdoors and the golf cart in the story. This book is a 7th grade level book. I would say you are able to read this easily in 4th grade. In my opinion I don’t like mythology but in this story, I like it. Well, thats all I have to say about this story.

One thought on “Reading Letter Quarter Four, #4- Benton

  1. The main charter’s name is Jason not Jonah. If you don’t like mythology than why did you say you like the book because it is about mythology. By the way I like this book two.

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