
Quana Alaimo

Ms. Gibson

English 8

September 10, 2020

About once every two months when I was 8 my parents would drive me and my sister up to my grandparents’ house to spend the weekend with them. My grandparents used to live in a small town called Ava, it’s about two hours away from Springfield. Their house was out in the middle of nowhere, they were very good at gardening and always had the most intricate gardens.

The car rides up to their house were always so boring, but that didn’t matter because I was always so eager to see them. My grandfather was retired by this time, but my grandma owned a pre-school. Their dogs Roomy and Gracie would always be so happy to see me when I got there.  Every morning after eating our breakfast she would take me and my sister to her pre-school. This was the best part of going to see them because me and my sister would play with all the toys and get to run around on the playgrounds. After playing all morning my grandma would take us out to Subway and we would bring it back to their house so that way we could eat with my grandpa. The rest of the day we would spend at their house usually making some type of craft my grandmother planned out. We would paint, make dolls, and make all kinds of birdhouses. My grandfather and I would always play board games. Our favorites were Yahtzee, sudoku, or crossword puzzles. My grandparents are now both retired and last year they moved up to Springfield to be able to see me and my family more often.

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