A Fiery Fall.-FINAL-Nikki-Q2-Write 3

This is a re-do for “Dr. Tiga’s Great Adventure” One boiling hot, Las Vegas day, the Walking Tiger Show manager was getting the two tigers ready for their matinee showing. Flame, the orange tiger, was licking his paw when Ice, the white tiger, approached him. They had never been best friends, but Ice just made Read More…


Ornament: Old French-an accessory, article, or detail used to beautify the appearance of something to which it is added or of which it is a part Present: Old French-to bring, offer, or give, often in a formal or ceremonious way

Mockingjay-Reading letter 7-Q2-Nikki

Mockingjay Suzanne Collins Page 1 – page 85= 85 pages After being rescued from the Hunger Games, Katniss is brought to District 13. Katniss is terrified when she finds that they did not rescue Peeta, who is now in Capitol. Katniss agrees to be the Mockingjay, the symbol for the rebels. Katniss is still trying Read More…

The Park. Part 2-Nikki-Writing4 Q2

Part 2 The Park. The muddy pavement of the trail leading to the small, brightly colored tent sucked my foot in, as I took my last steps to my tent. Bay held my hand nervously as I followed Miss V. When we reached our tent, Miss V opened the small opening that seemed too small Read More…

Catching Fire-RL 6-Q2-Nikki

Catching Fire Suzanne Collins Page 1 – page end= 391 pages After winning the Hunger Games, with fellow District 12 tribute, Peeta, Katniss is in more trouble than ever. Katniss finds that she started a revolution and the Capitol hates her. While on her victory tour, Katniss gets a glimpse at what the Capitol is Read More…


hunger: Old English: a compelling need or desire for food thirst: Old English: a sensation of dryness in the mouth and throat caused by need of liquid.